7 Ways to Master Better Habits

Have you been trying to cultivate and develop habits? You can master better habits that have the power to transform your life and help you achieve all of your dreams with these 7 tips!

These tips are designed to help you start implementing changes in your life in ways that don’t feel overwhelming, can be easily added to your existing routines, and will work for you.

1. Set Specific Instructions

Saying you want to get healthy or write a book or learn to sing is great, but you’re much more likely to follow through if you know exactly how you’re going to do it.
Do your research and have a very clear idea of what’s necessary to achieve your goals, then figure out how that translates into habits. Link these new habits to ones you already have in place.

2. Start Small

Making big changes in our lives takes hard work and lasting change doesn’t happen overnight. But, if we incorporate small habits into the bigger picture, those habits will eventually lead to overall success.

3. Track Your Progress

Tracking your progress will be important not only to see how far you’ve come, but also force you to evaluate how often you’ve followed through on your habits.

You can keep track in a journal, a planner, or even just a notebook. Make space in your schedule for your new habits, just as you would with a work meeting or a doctor’s appointment. 

4. Keep it Personal

What works for one person won’t always work for someone else. Even if you have the same goals as others, you don’t need to have the same habits.

Create habits that make you feel good and work for your life. That might mean you have to try a bunch of different things, but keep trying! Before you know it, you’ll find something that works great for you.

5. Stay Accountable

Surrounding yourself with people who uplift and encourage you has the power to change your life – and impact your behaviour.

Find a friend who is also working toward achieving their own unique goals. Update each other about your individual progress, provide encouragement when one of you starts to slip, and get together to celebrate your success.

6. Show Yourself Compassion

No one is perfect and no journey to healthy habits will be perfect.

When you do make a mistake, forgive yourself, think about what you could do differently, and move on. If you’re too hard on yourself, it’s more difficult to stay positive and keep working hard.

7. Celebrate

Most of us are better at beating ourselves up for mistakes than celebrating what we have achieved. But, celebrating progress is cruicial to motivation and following through.

When you reward yourself for making progress, no matter how small that progress might be, you feel empowered to take action, stick with your good habits, and find greater success in the future.