Personal-Development Resources (Personal Recommendations)

Aloha friends! Today’s topic is going to be covering my personal development resource recommendations. I get really excited about this topic because it’s something that over the past six years, I’ve really dedicated a lot of energy and resources to. I believe that I am a student of life and that there are lessons and growth to be had every single day, especially on bad days.


All the products that I will cover in this post is from my honest and genuine experience. I am not paid to recommend any of these, they are just personal recommendations. From the bottom of my heart, I hope they can make a difference in your life if you so choose to pick them up because they made a really big difference in mine.

Resource List:


Personal-Development Recommendations (Links to Purchase)


Here are some books that have been very beneficial for my growth, my mindset, and all the fun stuff that has helped lead me to the happy place I’m at right now.

1. The Power of Positive Energy - Tanaaz Chub

This book it has a little bit of a spiritual aspect to it. So, if you are on the fence and not really into spirituality, this may not be the best one for you. The wording in this book and the things that it covers, words can’t even describe how powerful this book is. This was the most influential book for me. I highly recommend taking a look into it. Personal growth exercises are given throughout the book.

2. Good Vibes, Good Life – Vex King

How self-love is the key to unlocking your greatness. If you’re not sure who Vex King is, he is amazing! He is a guru with wording. I follow him on Instagram and Twitter, I’m obsessed with him. His story is so beautiful and he explains it in this book. It’s really good, especially if you’re just starting to get into personal development and developing your mindset. Perfect beginner book!

3. Let Your Fears Make You Fierce - Koya Webb

This woman is a holistic coach and she is phenomenal. We have a lot of synchronicities (she went through a career ending injury). She channeled yoga into her recovery and it gave her a new spark for life! She has her stories and lessons in there and also has simple tips/tricks, meditations, and yoga poses sprinkled throughout the book.

4. Light is the New Black – Rebecca Campbell

I just finished this book. If you are a light worker (a profession where you’re giving a lot), or you are trying to find your calling and you’re not sure how, this book is perfect for you. A guide to answering your soul’s calling and working your life. How beautiful is that? This has a small spiritual aspect to it as well.

5. The Four Agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz

I’m not in it enough to give you a thorough review on it yet, but I’ve heard fantastic things. It’s a practical guide to personal freedom.

6. Creative Alchemy - Marlo Johnson

It has meditations, rituals, and experiments to free your inner magic. Every single page structure is the same. It’s a great way to start your morning by flipping to a page and focusing your brain. It is 88 pages long, so there’s plenty of content to use for growth.

Meditation: “I trust”
Ritual: Focus on a challenge you’re currently facing ask yourself what the solution is. Then without overthinking, write down the first answer that comes to mind.
Experiment: Do something that you love and invite someone to join you or find another way to share the experience with other people.


Personal-growth workbooks are fun because they make me feel like I’m back in school. As a student of life, it is very fitting!

1. The Good Morning Journal - Molly Burford
2. Self-Love Workbook for Women - Megan Logan

Release self-doubt, build self-compassion, embrace who you are. Oh my gosh, these pages in here are freakin’ beautiful! It’s gives you a whole bunch of preparation and it really just has a nice insight on what self-love is, what it isn’t, where does a lack of self-love show up for you, why do you struggle to love yourself, benefits of loving yourself.


This workbook is a super deep dive and I feel like in today’s society we can all use a boost of our own self-love. Even if you’re happy with who you are, where you’re going, or where you are. It doesn’t matter, there’s always room for self-love and I just love how this workbook is specifically designed for women.

3. Burn After Writing - Sharon Jones

They have different versions, mine is the blue version. This workbook has very insightful questions that sometimes instead of just journaling in the morning, I like to do this instead. If I need a little bit of extra connection to oneself

Some of these questions really make you think. The whole concept is you’re supposed to fill the book out and then burn it afterwards.


Example questions:

  • The advice that has shaped me the most.
  • If I was given ten thousand dollars today on the condition that I couldn’t keep the money for myself, I would _________.
  • Right now, at this moment the thing I want most is __________
4. Astrology for Yourself - Douglas Bloch & Demetra George

For my spiritual friends, clients, and followers! This is an interactive workbook based on your birth chart! It has fill in the blanks based on your birth chart and it teaches you the roles of the planets in your life.

1. Get Loved Up - Koya Webb

This podcast is amazing for women! Koya is an advocate for women and women of colour. She has different guests on and each episode discusses a different topic. So, just figure out what resonates with you and listen to those. She’s honestly so inspiring by the way she communicates and the energy that you can feel through her voice. It’s a great reminder that there are so many beautiful connections that you can make and that there is so much inspiration in this world. 

2. The Brendon Show - Brendon Burchard

These podcast episodes are short and curated regarding mindsets and personal growth. Brendon is very successful and has many years of experience. I love how short they care so you can listen while you’re in the shower, washing the dishes, driving to work, etc. He provides so many simple life hacks into creating the life that you desire.

I hope these tips will help you find the best way to journal for YOU!

Health & Happiness,
